there's a problem with the selection in MuleListCtrl.cpp,
sometimes the code won't know u used it...
that made the Del key not to remove
files from DL list (the second fix by the patch

the original code
MuleListCtrl.cpp said:
void CMuleListCtrl::onkeydown(UINT nChar,UINT nRepCnt,UINT nFlags){
if ( nChar=='A' && ::GetAsyncKeyState(VK_CONTROL)<0) {
LV_ITEM theItem;
theItem.mask= LVIF_STATE;
theItem.iItem= -1;
theItem.iSubItem= 0;
theItem.state= LVIS_SELECTED;
theItem.stateMask= 2;
SetItemState(-1, &theItem);
the new code
MuleListCtrl.cpp said:
void CMuleListCtrl::onkeydown(UINT nChar,UINT nRepCnt,UINT nFlags){
if ( nChar=='A' && ::GetAsyncKeyState(VK_CONTROL)<0) {
// Ctrl+A: Select all items
// Avi3k: selection fix
for (int i=0; i<GetItemCount(); i++)
SetItemState(i, flag, flag);
// end Avi3k: selection fix
that fix will take care of both the selection
and the del key in DL list
