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New Mod Release Thread

#101 User is offline   netfinity 

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Posted 14 December 2005 - 10:39 PM

NetF 0.3a (beta 13)

New experimental feature: Sub Chunk Transfer (SCT)


*** NetF 0.3a - beta 13 ***

* Added: show total download time in the remaining column after completed download
* Added: new upload slot limit to approx. max 2 times the NetF calculated minimum upload slot count
  (Hopefuly solves some problems with insane number upload slots)
* Added: display of completed blocks within incomplete parts for clients using SCT or Crumbs
* Added: Sub Chunk Transfer (SCT) protocol to exchange partialy completed parts
  (Only supported between NetF 0.3a clients for now; hardcoded)
* Added: download of eDonkey Crumbs (remapped internaly to 180kB blocks)
* Added: spread upload slots betwen files
  (More active slots, gives less priority)
* Changed: don't check if client need any parts before giving slot as it cause problem with SCT
* Changed: upload bandwidth throttler to repeat sending until no more data is accepted
* Changed: dynamic block requests now attempts to reduce the number of very small block requests
* Changed: "ghost" download from private LAN IPs is now enabled in release builds
  (This makes the testing of SCT soo much simpler)
* Changed: blocks within parts are now downloaded in sequence for common parts
* Changed: absolute minimum upload session time reduced to 1 minute
  (Gives less advantage to fast downloaders, which could be leechers)
* Changed: flushing of data buffer is now limited to the biggest block sequences, except when forced
* Changed: re-enabled data compression, but made the compression level depending of the current upload rate.
* Fixed: a bug in the optimized CUint128::toHexString function
* Fixed: possible issue with file completion (flush to disk) got delayed
* Fixed: localization for NetF features

Go here!
eMule v0.50a [NetF WARP v0.3a]
- Compiled for 32 and 64 bit Windows versions
- Optimized for fast (100Mbit/s) Internet connections
- Faster file completion via Dynamic Block Requests and dropping of stalling sources
- Faster searching via KAD with equal or reduced overhead
- Less GUI lockups through multi-threaded disk IO operations
- VIP "Payback" queue
- Fakealyzer (helps you chosing the right files)
- Quality Of Service to keep eMule from disturbing VoIP and other important applications (Vista/7/8 only!)

#102 User is offline   TheAlmightyQ 

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Posted 21 December 2005 - 02:17 PM

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Chagelog 1.01:
Mearged to neo mule 4.01


#103 User is offline   BlueSonicBoy 

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Posted 26 December 2005 - 01:23 AM

TK4 Mod 1.4c


Version 1.4c - Base eMule 46c 25-12-2005

Added: IP Filter Update - Updates the IPFilter.dat from your chosen web source at the click of a button.
Added: Slot Focus - Concentrates bandwidth on the slot(s) that can best use it.Shown as green text in uploading list.
Fixed:  IP Filtered servers showing as normal servers & dead servers showing as normal, mod code,(Fix for official code and mod code)
Added: Failure In Atl Leading To Uncatched Exception fix. Fix by Kro
Added: Remember Server Priority From Server.met, for static servers fix. Fix by leuk_he
Added: Small speed optimizes in IPFilter.cpp for ParseFilterLine1() and AddFromFile().
Added: Files never seen complete shown in red in downloads list, feature suggested by tunayx

full changelog




Binary ed2k://|file|eMule46c_TK4Mod_1.4c_bin.rar|2491535|60FBF4B58A866B28303C1F35EA9485BA|h=SRDSUL6XYGKQZMGPEPFHLTUD3IUFCPRS|/

Source ed2k://|file|eMule46c_TK4Mod_1.4c_src.rar|3641926|E2AD5CBCDD29842DFCFD445767146D8A|h=3LY3G4NNM25EHQASZBPDMQESMWPZFKYF|/


Features in this release tagged in the source to make the relevent code easier to find:
IP Filter Update. Tag = [IPUP]
Basic Slot Focus. Tag = [SF]
Simple Compressibility Evaluation. Tag = [SCE] Completed files will be rehashed on first run, see docs.
Filename Disparity Check. Tag = [FDC]

Main Features:

IP Filter update Updates your IPFilter.dat file from your chosen web source and loads it.
Slot Focus Basic Slot Focus. Concentrates bandwidth on the slot(s) that can best use it.
Download improvements Prevents slower client's locking out faster clients + Dazzle's faster endgame
Virus scan Supports 13 scanners + user defined.
Forceshare Instant upload priority settings for completed files, 4/5 slots no DL 1/7 slots with DL
Credit Systems + Credit systems and Wizard's Anti-leech, Anti-ghost mod removed now detection only
TK4 eXtras 'Hidden' , Sensitivity adjust for FDC, Slot Focus enable and IP Filter update URL
Simple Compressibility Evaluation Saves wasting CPU cycles. Small code fix in 1.4a
Filename Disparity Check Indicates when a file has a very different,(often dodgy), name.
IP2Country Shows country flags from IP for clients and servers,(code from Eastshare/Morph/eXtreme).


TK4 Mod home

#104 User is offline   CiccioBastardo 

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Posted 26 December 2005 - 09:13 PM

ZZUL BastarD Armadillo Mod 0.9.1

Version 0.9.1


  • [CNG] Anti-Leech code:
    - Source Exploiter now should be better identified
      - ModThief check added
      - Score calulation timings (less CPU waste)

  • [CNG] Anti-Leech events logging

  • [ADD] Compression Ratio and Compression Gain in file detail window (requested by bUR)

  • [ADD] Chunk Import process can be stopped

  • [ADD] New column in ShareFileList with interested clients for this session (requested by Random User)

  • [FIX] Mod Version column sort

  • [FIX] Download time is now not counted for Paused/Stopped files

Few notes:
Interested clients for the session are cients that have asked for the file at least once and are still in waiting queue.
This means clients that have changed file request at least one are counted twice. Code for solving the problem and reporting the real number of clients actually asking for a determined file has already been provided by Xman, but I'm lazy :P
Maybe next version.

Don't know if the patch for the download time is working perfectly. The few tests done seem positive though.
With this modification the total speed average should be calculated right now.

When looking at a client details info, near the Up/down ratio you find the Anti-Leech assigned score inside two square brackets such as [AL: 1.00].
This value can be from 1.00 to 0.20. On the same line, in square brackets, there are the reasons for the AL rating when it is different than 1.00.
Here the list of the reason and corresponding symbol:
[XS] - Source Exchange exploiter
[MT] - Mod Thief
[FF] - File Faker
[Spam] - Ditto

The sources
ed2k://|file|eMule_0.46c_ZZUL_BastarD_Armadillo_0.9.1_src.rar|1332628|3A85AF4A917B315DE12BEAE79F2D88F4| |h=3QI5JEPPTDZILPLPHC2F6V73JQOTGPVA|/
The binaries
ed2k://|file|eMule_0.46c_ZZUL_BastarD_Armadillo_0.9.1_bin.rar|1530413|8AC9634AEBB53EE728FD1CB8D0E09BB1| |h=LDT5UEJULXYSWZTDNHGY3NKP6ZJQUOUH|/
The collection
ed2k://|file|eMule_0.46c_ZZUL_BastarD_Armadillo_0.9.1.emulecollection|534|5320C37B7CB4E88DF5E43E30687598B9| |h=AKKNKGIGYEYTRVJ5WB5LAXGPE3S3KZZW|/

DDOS Mirror
The problem is not the client, it's the user

#105 User is offline   Da GuRu 

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Posted 28 December 2005 - 04:32 PM

eMule 0.46c MorphXT v7.7

Posted Image

FIXED : (minor) Assertion for PPgMorph.cpp [Stulle]
FIXED : (minot) feedback for other languages (transferred) [Stulle]
FIXED : (minor) Avi3k: maxfilesize fix [leuk_he]
FIXED : (minor) Avi3k: search index check [leuk_he]
FIXED : (minor) Xanatos: critical socket fix [leuk_he]
FIXED : (major) Patched safehash thread hashing to avoid crash when reading on a bad cluster [SiRoB]
- This permit to avoid just the crash, you still need to perform a scandisk to move part pointing to bad cluster
FIXED : (major) Patched safehash to avoid crash when we are shuting down emule [SiRoB]
FIXED : (minor) Turn back change to fix Multisort wroung column sorting with only client sort (CTRL+column click) [SiRoB]

ADDED : ReadBlockFromFileThead: make read block for uploading client no main thread blocking [SiRoB]
- It will help to avoid disturbing upload when harddisk is under heavy access.

CHANGED: Equal Chances for Each File uses Session values now [Stulle]
CHANGED: USC: Avoid limiting speed of client too much when switching from focused to no focused mode [SiRoB]
CHANGED: (secutity) Backlog on WEBserver listen socket have been set to 5 [SiRoB]
CHANGED: (secutity) Backlog on WAPserver listen socket have been set to 5 [SiRoB]
CHANGED: Updated Anti-Leecher [SiRoB]

REMOVED: unused Nice Hash preferences code [Stulle]
REMOVED: Obsolete security icon in Morhp settings removed. [leuk_he]
REMOVED: Help from morph preferences (caused a crash) [leuk_he]



Download more versions of eMule MorphXT.MoD
Rate eMule MorphXT.MoD @ !!!

This post has been edited by Da GuRu: 28 December 2005 - 04:34 PM


#106 User is offline   Xman1 

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Posted 29 December 2005 - 07:14 PM

Xtreme 4.8.1

Posted Image

based on 0.46c

Main Features:

- Maella Bandwidthcontrol, caculates the real Overhead
- NAFC (network adapter feedback control)
- advanced Uploadbandwidththrottler with adjustable slotspeed
- Xtreme Downloadmanager for a clever source-handling
- improved Xtreme-Creditsystem
- Powerrelease with dynamic Hide OS
- IP to country - show country-flags
- Anti-Leercher-Feature
- hundrets of code improvements

changelog 4.8.1
- fixed: show additional graph-lines wasn't saved
- fixed some translations and codepage-errors in polish translation (Colder)
- grey out dead servers (BlueSonicBoy)
- don't print logline for spam-messages (forgot this in changelog of 4.8)
- updated IP-Filter to v 98. This update is important for all german users, because v97 filters out two german ip-ranges (thx rumpelzuck)

changelog 4.8 
- added sourcecache = finding more sources with less overhead
- added max global sourcelimit to avoid overheadleeching *
- added an option to show additional graph lines
- added P2PThreat - Detect worms that could be harmful to the network or eMule (netfinity)
- added extra option für Xtreme Versionscheck
- changed slotregulation ->less slots with high overhead
- changed calculation for downloadlimits to get a smoother download
- fixed and changed score-calculation for MultiQueue
- changed clientbantime to 4 hours
- changed some default values
- adjusted fileprio a bit
- Fix Log Scrollbar Redraw (Sirob)
- Fix: Failure In Atl Leading To Uncatched Exception Fix (Kro)
- crashfix for reloading downloaded history
- fixed small bug in downloadlimit calculation
- fixed: few ban messages wasn't shown in leecherlog
- more small fixes and improvements
- updated translation string (thx: charlesdewei,erazah,unomas,hornetzone)
- added polish translation (thx wilam)

*max global sourcelimit:
depending on your uploadlimit you'll get a max global sourcelimit. (e.g. for 10kbs upload: sourcelimit = 4000)
This shell avoid overheadleeching, which means: users with only a small upload like 12 kbs, are using 10000 and more sources. Which such an amount of sources, all your bandwidth is wasted with filerequests and there isn't enough bandwidth left for uploading of data. With the max global source limit, xtreme avoids this kind of leeching.
You have two new options: 
- accept the source limit, which means Xtreme won't find more sources
- accept a session 1:3 ratio if you are using more sources than global source limit
remark: Xtreme session/amount 1:3 ratio always means: no downloadlimit until you reach a 1:3 ratio. After reaching this, you'll get a downloadlmit of 4*current upload. Overall you'll should reach a ratio between 1:3 and 1:4

- this mod has no USS (use nafc instead!)
- this mod doesn't allow unlimited uploadspeed
- the adjustable slotspeed is not an accurate speed, but a tolerant(can go 25% over the settings). Xtreme Mod decide itself how much slots are needed to best fit your slotspeed
- the uploadlimit is applied to overhead + data
- if you use NAFC, the uploadlimit is applied to whole networktraffic (also other applications) and downloadlimit is automatically adjusted
- the overhead includes TCP/IP + UDP-Header + blockpackage-header + ACK-packets

- because the uploadlimit is applied to data + whole overhead, you have to set your upload to min 11kbs to get unlimited download, but please set it to about 90% of your uploadcapacity

Thread: http://forum.emule-p...showtopic=30734

This post has been edited by Xman1: 02 May 2006 - 07:09 AM


#107 User is offline   F0rTy 

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Posted 02 January 2006 - 10:51 PM

ok - here it is - the new CLEAN version - only for KNOWING - THIS is ONLY version with NEW Updated Analyze - where Source is available TOO......


//v1.0:  first version as discussed on emfuture and other boards
//v1.1:  2 changes:
//-  UL/DL can only lower the score to 1/2 of the base score [SEPPL]
//-  No boost for higher reask times [CICCIOBASTARDO]
//v1.2:  BuGFiXes!
//-  ReaskTime was not evaluated and assigned correctly
//-  ReaskTime punisher was not calculated by MINUTES but by SECONDS!
//v1.3:  10 changes:
//-  XS evaluation now uses the official system though slightly changed
//-  XS asks will only be counted for not too rare files
//-  We will also answer to XS exploiters to prevent entering a deadlock situation
//  when both clients will think the other one is an exploiter and noone will send anymore
//-  EVERY bad action now reduces the score - this will punish VERY bad clients harder
//-  Slow XS asks won't stack up credits [CICCIOBASTARDO]
//-  BuGFiX: fix in default initialization
//-  BuGFiX: the first connect/reask was not counted (reaskcounter = 0) but avgtime was set
//-  Added a "bad action counter" - for Devs and interested... not evaluated, yet
//-  Major change: rare file UL/DL is counted separately and weighted differently
//-  Major change: the "first contact" is saved and a client gets a bonus for every week
//        he keeps his hash to encourage users to keep it and to punish hashchangers


ReSuRReCTioN 1.4

Added: ClientAnalyzer 1.3 [WiZaRd]
Added: Slotcontrol [Telperion]
Added: [ionix]: high process priority - based on MORPH
Removed: Blinking Tray Icon (due to Ressource errors)
Removed: Ackronic Upload Slotz
Removed: complete AntiLeechClass (ReSu is going with Future ;-))
Removed: SivkaBan
Removed: ShowSharePermissions (this is Nonsense)
Removed: FileBufferTime
Removed: Ackronic2 Page
changed: FileBufferLimit again to tweak page
Changed: Clipstat (added % of failed sessions)[WiZaRd]
Changed: Splash and Clipstat (removed links to my board)
Fixed: Optimizer
Fixed: Hopefully WC Stat [WiZaRd]
Fixed: Auto HL[WiZaRd]
Fixed: Funny Nicks[WiZaRd]

Resu-Team (all people who helped by improving Resu to what it is)

Debuggers: -G6R-
Beta-Testers: -G6R- / StoNy / Hexmaster/ ToK / Blade1971/ netzgesteuert/ -grenzgaenger/ and much people from eMuleFuture - thank you very much guys.....
Grafics: Mr.FrEEzEr / -G6R-
german.dll: -G6R-
italian.dll:  wolf / -G6R- /  dd_77


user posted image
Whatever you do, you can't stop the Clientanalyzer!!!
Diclonius 2.0 - Based Upon Tombstone - dedicated to all who hates Analyzer
this is my present only for YOU!

#108 User is offline   SiRoB 

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Posted 07 January 2006 - 06:23 PM

New Morph Mod release

eMule 0.47c MorphXT v9.5 ::binary::source::

#109 User is offline   Da GuRu 

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Posted 08 January 2006 - 04:53 PM

eMule 0.46c Max v2.1

Posted Image

- based on v0.46c Xtreme 4.8.1
- change: use Xtreme DiffQR
- change: move ACC to another place / Max
- change: use a IRC Channel with more people (thx to #emule-deutschland staff)
- removed: support page to GSL page / Max

- fix: GSL /Stulle(Big Thx),Max
- fix: Webcache Statistik / Max



Download more versions of eMule MorphXT.MoD
Rate eMule MaX.MoD @ !!!

#110 User is offline   DavidXanatos 

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Posted 08 January 2006 - 06:07 PM



BC: blocking sockets can be downgraded automaticly to trickles
BC: Added increase trickle speed
BC: check slot datarate is obtional
ASM: reworket a bit
PT: Added Release slot limit
RT: addes PS mode to release priority, also mixed mode avalibly (PS only below low limit, above low lomit only normal release till high limit reached)
NST: added setting for XS delay

BC: Completly reworked the slot management, basing on "Xtreme Upload"
BC: Added Open more slots when needed.

BC: Reworked uplaod bandwidth throtheler for data packets, concept basing on "Xtreme Upload" from Xman1
BC: Added obtional double send size to save overhead
BC: USS can now veto against a new slot.

BC: readded auto max uplaod etimation
BC: Reworked uplaod bandwidth throtheler for control packets
BC: Changed Blocked queue is completly recoded and now obtional

BC: Reworked download bandwidth throtheler, fixes some major isues of the old concept
BC: Added multi UDP packet reciving, shoudl solve some old problems

BC: Splited BC in 3 sub segments, Neo UL/DL trotheler demand BC to be included, however with some trivial fixes thay can be also used without BC

BC: fixed Slot problem on high speed conenctions

NBC: Fixed a bug in direct tcp sending
FIX: Fixed major source count bug
XSC: Added source cache own implementation supports force reask and drop, idea by xMan1 xtreme mod

NAFC: fixed a critical bug

ARGOS: Removed Anti XS Punishment, there are some basig failiers in the concept that seems to be unsolvable.
FIX: Fixed a critical A4AF bug that may occure with two neo clients connected together

VOODOO: Fixed some bugs
VOODOO: Added new action tybe VA_BLOCK to block unwanted voodoo nodes
NSA: simplafyed the port integrity analysis
NSA: Fixed critical freeze bug, failsafe for damaged or overlaping tables

VOODOO: Added search forwarding, now you can run the master client without any internet connection and you wil have the main fonctionality granted (for example you can run the master in a higly firewalles network segnemt while posting your slave in your DMZ the slave can be used by many masters)

VOODOO: Added Neo File Preferences Support
VOODOO: Added Neo Downlaod Command Support
NSS: Source list loading can be aborted by esc
VOODOO: Added Extended states (forced/suspended/standby) to download instructions
VOODOO: Added UL/DL priority support
VOODOO: Added A4AF command Support

VOODOO: Fixes a share directive bug
NSS: Now saves the m_nConnectIP for voodoo source exchange
MOD: Added stop download sommand to download clinet list
VOODOO: removed timeout for voodoo sockets.
VOODOO: Added new connection action type "partner" for cros connection
VOODOO: Added cros connection abbilities
VOODOO: Some otimisations
VOODOO: Reworked download/shared list synchronisation, to fit beter to virtual files
VOODOO: Added bidirectional new source exchange.
VOODOO: Added Master to slave source export, for beter functionality with virtual files.
VOODOO: Aded VT_FEATURES tag for obtional voodoo features
VOODOO: added up/doen stats from slaves shown in title bar only, tag formated so mor datas can be added.

OCF: Now force command works also for suspended states (to by pas softlock and/or OCC)

SFL: fixed major tag reading bug

FSI: now dl sorting by states also works for standby and suspended state
NEW: Recoded cserverconnect

FIX: fixed a packet copy problem
HUC: MSH obtimitasion for use with SF-IOM udp cache
XUC: disabled fr normal collecting, causes problems, now used only for manual udp bootstrap
ARGOS: gixed dlp auto update bug

NCAP: fixed major bug

NeoLoader is a new file sharing client, supporting ed2k/eMule, Bittorent and one click hosters,
it is the first client to be able to download form multiple networks the same file.
NL provides the first fully decentralized scalable torrent and DDL keyword search,
it implements an own novel anonymous file sharing network, providing anonymity and deniability to its users,
as well as many other new features.
It is written in C++ with Qt and is available for Windows, Linux and MacOS.

#111 User is offline   depuisletempsquejepatiente 

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Posted 10 January 2006 - 09:22 PM

Posted Image


[Add]Don't draw hidden Rect (morph)
[Add]show progress hash [02]
[Add]grey out dead servers (BlueSonicBoy)
[Add]Improved sources Finding [iONiX]
[Add]Friend eLinks [emulEspaña]
[Add]Client Analizer 1.3[WiZaRd]
[Add]list requested files
[Add]show uncomplete files in blue[miles]
[Add]show powershare files in green[miles]
[Add]Faster endgame[Dazzle]
[Add]see on uploadqueue[Xman]
[Add]show client percentage[xillio]
[Add]On ID change [xanatos/TKB]
[Add]Don't Refresh item if not needed[SiRoB]
[Add]Upload/Download on uploadlistctrl
[Add]Dl Status on uploadlistctrl
[Add]Find best sources[xman]
[Add]Friend in bold[WIN/kts]
[Add]Show connected server in bluebold[Xman]
[Add]see all source[xman]
[Add]upload toolbar[xman]
[Add]show LowIDs in yellow [xman]

[Change]HideOS=>Xman's Dynamic HideOS

[Removed]Antinicktief because it's on analizer
[Removed]CPU/MEM usage in transferwnd
[Removed]Ratio 1:4 -> Official ratio
[Removed]Some codes(LSd)


This post has been edited by depuisletempsquejepatiente: 10 January 2006 - 09:28 PM


#112 User is offline   WiZaRdOfHP 

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Posted 12 January 2006 - 09:28 PM

i'm quiet new to the emule project. though i had some experience in c++ in former projects. a while ago i found the tombstone mod which was quiet impressive to me. but looking into the code i found a way to tweak the download slightly. you gotta check it out!


Tweaked DL [WiZaRdOfHP]
Changed statistisc save file (due to better result seperation) [WiZaRdOfHP]


greets WiZaRdOfHP

#113 User is offline   Famerlor 

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Posted 12 January 2006 - 11:09 PM





see here: http://forum.emule-p...showtopic=97402
Posted Image

You want a light mod with source-dropping, Powershare and WiZaRd's ClientAnalyzer ?
Try Spike2-Mod !

You rather want to stick to official eMule but don't want to miss all the new fixes and optimizations from the mods ?
Try OfFixed-Mod !

This post has been edited 1 time, the last time by God: Tomorrow, 12:74 PM

#114 User is offline   BlueSonicBoy 

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Posted 17 January 2006 - 01:40 AM

TK4 Mod 1.4d


Version 1.4d - Base eMule 46c 16-01-2006

Added: IRC Colour and text formatting - Colour and text formatting display and send ability in IRC window. Feature suggested by Masta2002

full changelog




Binary ed2k://|file|eMule46c_TK4Mod_1.4d_bin.rar|2494065|EE4F0052F863127875C56976BA3D50D2|h=6LPVIHWL6JTDLERZBMA7UIBA62R673HG|/

Source ed2k://|file|eMule46c_TK4Mod_1.4d_src.rar|4384841|C8247B26A610C0429C4D8217FCC87371|h=L7UA4AF42KRF27XBKBA2VH4CBQIKI46L|/


Features in this release tagged in the source to make the relevent code easier to find:
IRC Colour & text formatting.* Tag = [IRC+]
IP Filter Update. Tag = [IPUP]
Basic Slot Focus. Tag = [SF]
Simple Compressibility Evaluation. Tag = [SCE] Completed files will be rehashed on first run, see docs.
Filename Disparity Check. Tag = [FDC]

* Changed files which could be just copied if you have not changed them from the standard.
//colour,bold,underline & reverse in the IRC window send colour(fgnd & bgrd), bold and underline + format reset.
ColourPopup.cpp ColourPopup.h
HTRichEditCtrl.cpp HTRichEditCtrl.h
IrcWnd.cpp IrcWnd.h
//not exactly needed just bold, blue text and 3 levels of blue for user count
//merge relevent button and string table codes

Main Features:

IRC Color and text formatting Colour and text formatting display and send ability in IRC window.
IP Filter update Updates your IPFilter.dat file from your chosen web source and loads it.
Slot Focus Basic Slot Focus. Concentrates bandwidth on the slot(s) that can best use it.
Download improvements Prevents slower client's locking out faster clients + Dazzle's faster endgame
Virus scan Supports 13 scanners + user defined.
Forceshare Instant upload priority settings for completed files, 4/5 slots no DL 1/7 slots with DL
Credit Systems + Credit systems and Wizard's Anti-leech, Anti-ghost mod removed now detection only
TK4 eXtras 'Hidden' , Sensitivity adjust for FDC, Slot Focus enable and IP Filter update URL
Simple Compressibility Evaluation Saves wasting CPU cycles. Small code fix in 1.4a
Filename Disparity Check Indicates when a file has a very different,(often dodgy), name.
IP2Country Shows country flags from IP for clients and servers,(code from Eastshare/Morph/eXtreme).


TK4 Mod home

This post has been edited by BlueSonicBoy: 17 January 2006 - 02:15 AM


#115 User is offline   Stulle 

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Posted 23 January 2006 - 09:43 AM

eMule 0.47a is coming but Cyrex2001 decided to leave the good ol' 0.46c with a bang. Here we go with the latest Cyrex2001 mod! Test it, use it, enjoy it.

Posted Image

eMule 0.46c [Cyrex2001 v6.25]
based on eMule 0.46c MorphXT 7.8

ADDED : added new statistik for failed/successful file-reaks per TCP-connection by Xman [cyrex2001]
ADDED : sourcecache = finding more sources with less overhead by Xman [cyrex2001]
FIXED : Failure In Atl Leading To Uncatched Exception Fix by Kro [cyrex2001]
FIXED : Hardlimit for file [cyrex2001]
FIXED : Fileinfo for wc-download [cyrex2001]
CHANGED: Global Hardlimit [cyrex2001]
UPDATED: Ask for download priority by Xman [cyrex2001]
NEW : Installer [cyrex2001]






Greets Stulle
I am an member and fan!

[Imagine there was a sarcasm meter right here!]

No, there will not be a new version of my mods. No, I do not want your PM. No, I am certain, use the board and quit sending PMs. No, I am not kidding, there will not be a new version of my mods just because of YOU asking for it!

#116 User is offline   Xman1 

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Posted 26 January 2006 - 03:29 PM

Xtreme 4.8.2
- last 0.46c based version -

Posted Image

based on 0.46c

Main Features:

- Maella Bandwidthcontrol, caculates the real Overhead
- NAFC (network adapter feedback control)
- advanced Uploadbandwidththrottler with adjustable slotspeed
- Xtreme Downloadmanager for a clever source-handling
- improved Xtreme-Creditsystem
- Powerrelease with dynamic Hide OS
- IP to country - show country-flags
- Anti-Leercher-Feature
- hundrets of code improvements

changelog 4.8.2 
- major XS-bugfix of official client
- one more XS-bugfix of official client (david/Neo)
- bugfix at XS-exploiter due to the official xs-bug
- small bugfix in p2pthread
- fixed an official small bug, when NoNeeded-sources was wrong sorted in Downloadlist
(this also fixes issues with DiffQR,AvgQR and AskForDownloadPriority)
- fixed crash on F1 in Xtreme-Settings
- fixed reask-time on tooltip for NNP-Sources
- fixed small bug in reask sources after IP-change which didn't asked NNP-Sources
- don't answer UDP-Filerequest for LowID-clients which can get a slot now 
- Threadsafe socket-disconnect, should fix some crashes (thx Wizard / Sirob)
- codeimprovement to fill uploadqueue faster after server reconnect
- added Anti-Leecher-Option for detecting emcrypt-clients
- other minor bugfixes and improvements

- this mod has no USS (use nafc instead!)
- this mod doesn't allow unlimited uploadspeed
- the adjustable slotspeed is not an accurate speed, but a tolerant(can go 25% over the settings). Xtreme Mod decide itself how much slots are needed to best fit your slotspeed
- the uploadlimit is applied to overhead + data
- if you use NAFC, the uploadlimit is applied to whole networktraffic (also other applications) and downloadlimit is automatically adjusted
- the overhead includes TCP/IP + UDP-Header + blockpackage-header + ACK-packets

- because the uploadlimit is applied to data + whole overhead, you have to set your upload to min 11kbs to get unlimited download, but please set it to about 90% of your uploadcapacity

Thread: http://forum.emule-p...showtopic=30734

This post has been edited by Xman1: 18 February 2006 - 04:11 PM


#117 User is offline   loulach 

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Posted 27 January 2006 - 01:49 AM

Hello all.

My first mod released to public release.

Simply to use and all stuff you need.

Go ahead !

Emule 0.47a Sion v0.3 :

"Sion v0.3

Updated code from 0.47a
-[ADD] UPnP NAT Support
-[ADD] ICS Improved Firewall Support
-[ADD] Random Port
-[OPT] Some GUI Optimization

"Sion v0.2Beta"
-Updated code from 0.47aBeta2
-[ADD] New priority range in shared files . From 1 to 10 with linear weight.
  With autopriority in normal mode and powareshare too.
-[ADD] New columns in Downloading Clients list to see the Mod string
-[ADD] ModLog
-[CHANGE] Soft Source Limit can be show and used when Advanced mode control is off
-[FIX] the amout client transfer can be showed again in "Completed" column (Fixed in 0.47a rel)

"Sion v0.1Beta"

Based on emule 0.47a beta1
[ADD] :(Zzul 20060106-1740)stuff like :
(Some part of code reworked to agree with v0.47 and 4gb+ files too)
	-Zz Chunk Chooser 
	-Zz Transferratiobalance 
	-Zz Slotfocus
	-Zz Powershare
	-Zz Friendslots
	-Zz Lowidfairness
	-Zz Showversion
"More info on Zzul stuff at :"



Good Upload !

Loulach .

#118 User is offline   depuisletempsquejepatiente 

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Posted 27 January 2006 - 05:23 PM

Mirrors for eMule 0.47a Sion v0.3

#119 User is offline   tHeWiZaRdOfDoS 

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Posted 27 January 2006 - 06:34 PM

Eurrr - better move mirrors to a new thread! *will post it now so you can post there*

#120 User is offline   SiRoB 

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Posted 28 January 2006 - 03:42 AM

New Morph Mod based on eMule 0.47a can be found here.
eMule 0.47c MorphXT v9.5 ::binary::source::

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