First: I'm posting in this forum, even if I'm not running a official Emule client. I have an old Emule mod based on 0.50.
Let's say I have an overall upload of 500 kb/sec and 10 clients currently downloading, each of them should get with ~ 50 kb/sec.
I watched some of them only d/l with 1.5 - 3.0 kb/sec. When checking their client software version, they show 70a or b.
More detailed:
I have a "regular customer", known since years. No problems in the past. Shortly before X-mas he run in problems, my upload/his download startet, a few mb at low rate, then timeout. Again and again. I checked the version: 70a (AFAIR, maybe 70b).
Between X-mas and New Year he solved the problem, normal up-/download speed. I checked the version again: 60d.
Now he's jumping between 1.5 and 3.0 kb/sec. No problems with connecting. Version: 70b.
After those behaviour I checked some other clients with unusual low up-/download: mostly 70a/b.
Your new client seems to have new problems.
Disclaimer: This is only a hint. I'm not affected. Use this information in any way you want. Even ignore it. I can't and will not change anything in my setup, I only can observe.
Kind regards
This post has been edited by 60Carlo: 11 January 2025 - 02:01 AM