The queue remains full (about 1000 users in the queue) but the upload is at 0.8-1kb/sec.
The download is unaffected and continues without any problems.
I'm using eMule on a laptop with windows 10 22H2 and a quad-processor amd, with 16GB of ram, and a 2TB SSD, where I keep temporary files and use a 1TB HDD at completion.
I use my upload at about 60% (1050KB/s) of the maximum bandwidth to save my 20TB external HDD drive, which has the material shared, from excessive seek.
I'm connected to my wifi modem router via physical cable.
When they are in this situation there are also 3 or 4 users in upload but with zero speed and the status is stalled - wait for block request.
it does so even at very low download speeds (20-50KB/s).
There are no errors in Windows system events.
The laptop is dedicated only to emule and is not used for anything else.
This post has been edited by einstein1969new: 09 February 2024 - 03:48 PM