for a number of reasons I wanted a refreshed build with one specific capability that is: set an upper limit to the number of upload slots.
The debate is vast and vigorous, my take on the matter is that it is best to upload at a higher speed to fewer clients, rather than uploading to tenths of clients at lower speeds. But you are free to choose, as you can configure it. So if your setup allows 50+ upload slots, so be it. My own hardware/network setup works best with a limit of 5 to 8. The objective is really to maximise seeding, based on each individual's setup. A bit of logic has been added to prioritize high-speed downloaders, so to fill upload bandwidth at all times.
In addition to that, I refreshed external dependencies and published all of them in github, with build scripts that are ready to go for posterity. You can take the base "build" branch which is the community version with no changes, or follow my changes in the "dev" branch. The focus is as well to introduce the least amount of changes to preserve the original quality and stability of the client, it doesn't want to be a fancy mod.
The branch is published here with some other change that you can see in the README on the home page and in the commit history.
Binary Windows x64 release is published as well, be aware this is a snapshot build and can change very often on any schedule
All details available at the project home, but here the main part:
Max upload slots are configurable from ini file. Just launch the eMule exe once, close it, and then edit the ini file:
The key to edit is the following:
You can adjust this limit according to your bandwitdh and I/O preferences, suggested ranges are 5, 8, 12, 24, 36
This setting allows to set a maximum amount of upload slots that will never be surpassed, to reduce I/O contention in both disk and network.
Enjoy and share feedback, negative or positive
This post has been edited by brand33d: 16 June 2022 - 10:03 AM