Not an NetF Mod, but a standard eMule 0.47a with Dynamic Block Requests, Safe Hash and SiRoB's File IO threading added.
Dynamic Block Requests in this Mod isn't as fast and reliable as in NetF as there is no dropping of stalled slots and no delayed NNP, but performance is still quite good. NEW in 1.0b is that DBR is now much more likely to complete with most sources downloading to the last few seconds before completion.
A simple Mod that adds a few features to eMule that probably should already have been there.
*** ESE 1.0b
- Added 'Variable compression' (reduce CPU usage at high upload rates)
- Updated 'Flush Thread' [by SiRoB / MorphXT 8.10]
- Updated 'ReadBlockFromFileThread' [by SiRoB / MorphXT 8.10]
- Raised block count locking thresholds in CUpDownClient::SendBlockRequests (makes DBR to work much better)
- Fixed various cosmetic stuff in the code
*** Missed in ESE 1.0a changelog
- Fixed GetClosestTo() functions in KAD (file searches gives much more results) [by Unknown1]
*** ESE 1.0a
- Based on eMule 0.47a
- Added 'Dynamic Block Requests' (speeds up file completion)
- Added 'Active Ratio'(must have when using 'Dynamic Block Requests' to prevent excessive downloading)
- Added 'Safe Hash' (part hashing is done in separate thread) [by SLUGFILLER]
- Added 'ReadBlockFromFileThread' (prevents GUI to become sluggish when uploading) [by SiRoB / MorphXT]
- Added 'Flush Thread' (may help a little when doing heavy downloading) [by SiRoB / MorphXT]
- Added 'Mod version' (makes it possible to distinguish the client from the official one)
- Added 'Anti Shape' (makes credit shaping less profitable)
ed2k://|file||2365785|A715A5551DA47C0EA132E46192721204| |h=IUJ6BDWNKBPBLQXVBOHMH33OGC66GW2B|/
HTTP Link (DDoS Isle of Tortuga)
ed2k://|file||3933827|5337E5F242883C92AF893B04628EA923| |h=WR37NSTZMEAWGUNFEHK7IFYC4DPZXUHI|/
HTTP File (DDoS Isle of Tortuga)
This post has been edited by netfinity: 24 April 2006 - 06:43 PM