eMule FRTK EvoStar 2006 v5.5
Changelog For eMule 0.47a FRTK - EvoStar v5.5
- April 8, 2006 -
- eMule 0.47a FRTK - EvoStar v5.5 -
v5.5 8/04/06
- Add : netfinity: Reduced CPU usage (in UInt128.cpp)
- Some fix (xman)
- Code Improvement for choosing to use compression (xman)
- Fix crash on friend list click (kts)
- Code Improvement (CPU load) [MAELLA / Xman / Sivka]
- Spread Requests - (Stulle/frtk)
- Some [TPT] - Patch
- WiZaRd - Anti-Crash
- Recognize newer Shareaza
- WiZaRd - relax on startup
- Mass Rename (MorphXT)
- Try to adapt NAFC (to be tested ... option in FRTK update)
- SLUGFILLER: Check Disk space Fix
- Avi3k: fix auto-cat assign
- SLUGFILLER: doubleLucas
- Possible crash fix (frtk)
- Maella -Code Fix-
- Added missing code for related with webcache :S
- Decal LSD button if showtoolbar (Frtk)
- WiZaRd::Caching
- Less cpu-load with faster uploadspeed - by netfinity
- SLUGFILLER: reqBlocksClipping
- WiZaRd::Recheck Firewalled
- Xman find best sources
- MemLeak fix
- Dazzle : it's possible that a client is added to queue, later is dropped because of queue-full.
then is readded through search or passive, but within the reask time. In this time the source will be on DS_NONE, but still in the download queue. If this function is runned before it is reasktime, it will be deleted here and then when the partfile tries to reference the source, crash. added a check if we requested a file from this source to fix it
- Changed --> SLS Max Src to Save 200 to 50
- Changed --> SLS Max Src to Activate SLS 200 to 100
- Take into account IP+TCP Header [MorphXT]
- Add option to stop upload ((Try to transfer full chunks) after 9.3 Mb.
- Minor Fix [Spanish man]
- Little change in Webcache and adaptation of fix of the MorphXT 8.9
- Emule Steals Focus [raccoonI]
- Minor Display Fix For Upload "obtained Parts" [SiRoB]
- Small Fix Related To Hello-nadshake [eklmn]
- Changed: WC--> Reworked to make proxy configuration test with random port working [SiRoB]
- Clientlist & Cpu [WiZaRd]
* kts (Next Evolution).
* Spanish man by its collaboration.
to all the beta testers... in special to Naliart and Roisoft, by its patience...
eMule 0.46c FRTK-EvoStar v4.5
- November 16, 2005 -
- eMule 0.46c FRTK - EvoStar v4.5 -
v4.4 16/11/05
* Fully removed regdemo
* [Fixed] some reported crash
* [Fix] Flag are now display in DownloadList
* [Fix] Flag on KadContact (KTS)
* [Fix] Less CPU consum
* [Updated] webcache to Webcache 2.0a beta
* [Change] Eastshare credit" by "Wizard credit"
* Code optimizations (WiZarD, Xman, KTS, ....)
* [Add] netfinity: Fast HEX to string conversion
* [Changed/Fixed]: Blinking Tray icon -> Hay Mesaje [ikabot/spanishman/kts]
* [Added] ACC [Wizard]
* [Added] support for Useragent
* [HOTFIX] in DownloadQueue.cpp
* For all machine:
Thanks at all beta tester... :thumb:
eMule 0.46c -FRTK-Evostar v4.4
- September 16, 2005 -
- eMule 0.46c FRTK - EvoStar v4.4 -
v4.4 16/09/05
- really fixed crash in sharedlist (KTS)
- filter clients with failed downloads (Xman)
- fix in reask src
- spreadreask (SlugFiller)
- moved LSD buttons if addtional toolbar is disabled
- code optimization (WiZarD, Sirob, dazzle)
- some fixes (Sirob, Wizard, Xman)
- fix : now show paused file in grey option is correctly saved
- fix : reverted IP on KAD whois
- disable force power share on proxies
- Add : Buffer Upload Data (WiZarD)
- add server rating (WiZarD)
- add some provider in the wizard
- dll spanish lang beta (thx Marcelin)
* For all machine:
Thanks at all beta tester... :thumb:
- September 8, 2005 -
- eMule 0.46c FRTK - EvoStar v4.3 -
v4.3 08/09/05
- Removed feature manual reask source.
- September 7, 2005 -
- eMule 0.46c FRTK - EvoStar v4.3 -
v4.3 07/09/05
- don't remove static server (Milobac)
- Queuesize FiX (WiZaRd) --> This will make hardlimit to be kept and at least 200 places as "buffer" in the queue
- Sorting FiX ?? (WiZaRd)
- AntiLeech: UDPFNF-FiX (WiZaRd)
- Fix For New Message Log Entry (avi-3k)
- added Ratio and BillyGates credit system
- BillyGates credit is good for releasers
- added "L:" or "H:" to see in the download details if the client is a LowID and HighID [BG]
- Bars for CPU and MEM usage [Ionix]
- added Auto A4AF [KTS]
- find best sources [Xman]
- code optimization [Xman/Maella]
- Find all sources
- progress bar fix
- removed a bugged bugfix
- MCS (If the file is complete)
- fix unsharing successful hashed files while insufficience disk space occur
- Avi3k: SharedView Ed2kType
- Fix For Tempfile Categorie Display
- fix Wrong Max File Size In Ed2klink.cpp [Avi-3k]
- eMule Lphant (Spike2)
- client percentage (Xrmb)
- small changes
* For all machine:
* For Athlon XP and P4 (SSE1):
* For AMD64 and P4 (SSE2):
Big Thanks to Torni ....

Thanks at all beta tester... :thumb:
- July 31, 2005 -
- eMule 0.46c FRTK - EvoStar v4.2 -
v4.2 FIX_2 31/07/05
- Removed "bad" functions: Manual SLS/Reask
- Change: Activation Limit -->100
- Change: Saved/Loaded Sources ---> 50
- Based on Next Evolution (removed "bad" functions)
- add an option to enable/disable slot control
- exit smoothly not active if upload queue is empty
- [0.46c] SetModified FiX for PPgFiles [eF]
- [0.46c] Open Folder FiX [Avi-3k]
- [0.46c] DownloadClientsCtrl Sort-FiXes[Avi-3k]
- [0.46c] Double-FiX for MuleListCtrl [Avi-3k]
- [0.46c] MemSet FiX in ClientCredits [Avi-3k]
- [0.46c] Assertion Errors [SlugFiller]
- fixed version number in order to use DDL lang
- Added eChanblardNext 11.0, 10.2, 10.1 in banned mod just in prevision of future version
- FIXED SlotControl
- some fixes in Optimizer
- some code change
- minor fixes
- compiled with Zlib 1.2.3
Thanks to KTS, all others modders and Beta testers

This post has been edited by impresor: 08 April 2006 - 11:18 AM